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Why Imperfect Organic Design Is Going To Be The Future

The trickiest challenge in front of designers is to balance between form and function. While the early websites focused more on functions, the subsequent technology developments of better internet speeds and the advent of flash gave room to work more on the form.

Over the last few years, the shift is again on functions like increasing the loading speed since the developers today cater to the increasing number of mobile users. Visual design is often rendered by code today than images.

The characteristics of design today

The front-end frameworks provide attractive templates ready to use. The advent of precision design tools and the focus on data-driven design have made us create designs that are perfect.

Facilitating more room for imperfections

The recent trends in designing make us wonder whether there are no rooms for interesting imperfections. Here we discuss the scope of accommodating imperfections in designing.

  1. The code can very well support imperfections and the coders are open to experimenting with imperfections in designing.

  2. A movie character with a scary scar on the face or a hero reverting from a criminal history is more interesting to us than perfectly crafted appearances and heroes without blemishes. While we can love imperfections in stories, we can also receive them well in designing.

  3. It is time for designers to view imperfections as noise rather than errors. Noise helps add character to the design without affecting its functions. Imperfections bestow the most conspicuous behavior and when used smartly can evince more emotional responses from the users and audience.

  4. Introducing imperfections into designing is a way to humanize designs and strengthen the bond between the brand and the user.

  5. By working with imperfections innovatively we can move the digital world to a new era of better user engagement.


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